The Thinking Corner
By: Haihan Tai
Lots of research shows that people’s actions or behaviors could affect someone around him. For example, you were playing games in Lunch, then maybe someone near you might take their laptops and play games with you. Or maybe you were talking in the class, then it might be someone around you talking too. Or maybe you have some bad emotions that also affect someone around you too. Like maybe you are angry or sad, that could also affect someone
For people around me, like my classmates. One day, Lunch, Student N is talking to me. But I didn’t say anything about it, then Ted started it talking with Nate. Then Lucas started talking about it too. Then Student C saw three of us are talking, then he started to join the conversation too. Then I started to join talking.
As you see from the lunch, since student A is talking, then other people join talking with Nate too. There are other examples about actions could affect someone too.
In IDT class, Jerry started playing Minecraft, Student L saw Student J is playing Minecraft, then Student L started to playing video games.
As you see from the video games example, Student B saw Student A is doing something that is not allowed to do in school, then Student B do it too. We can see how one student is doing something that is bad, then another student follow what student A is doing.
In sheltered English, when Teacher is talking, suddenly Student D said a thing that is not connected with learning English. But Teacher leave it, but after that Student D still keep saying that teacher just said stop, when students are doing work about the Pecha Kucha presentation another student said about not connected with learning too.
As from all the example above, student’s behavior and doing something totally not connected with learning. Students still follow it. Now I think you can see how students’ actions and behavior can actually affect someone around him.
I just want students can think about did their behaviors actually affect someone around him or her, if you did, then try to change the behavior you are doing.