Deforestation (By Vivian Zhang)
Deforestation is global. And the world doesn’t like it. Forests cover about 20% of the entire land on earth. But now it is only covering about 9.4% of the land. And this is only in a few centuries. People cut down these trees for wood. But most likely for land. They burn or chop and turn the land into human homes, cow farms, and so much more. Well, what can deforestation cause? How bad can it be?
Animal and plant extinction
Deforestation can cause animal extinction, climate change, and environmental damage. First, animal extinction can be caused when the animals lose their habitats, which mean they must adapt to a new place to live. And it could be a disease that are beneath the wood or dirt, and animals can be contaminated.
Climate change
Climate change can also be caused because of deforestation. Trees are lives that absorbs carbon dioxide and turns it into oxygen. But, making CO2 (carbon dioxide) needs time to transform into oxygen, so when timber jacks cut trees, the CO2 stored inside the tree will be released into the atmosphere. Which in this case, causes global warming and climate change.
Environmental damage:
Deforestation isn’t just cutting one or a few trees, it is when workers cut down millions of hectares of trees, and without trees, the land will be useless. It will be dry, no animals will adapt to live on it, and humans wouldn’t want to live there because installing new land to plant is not possible and can cause a lot. So after, this land will be just a piece of land. With nothing on it, nothing living there.
What can you do?
Deforestation is a harmful act. And we need it to stop. We can stop it by using less paper and wooden products, so people won’t have to cut too many trees. We can also not waste other products, because if you waste a lot, then there must be more factories, and forests will be ruined to make space for them. We won’t destroy Earth, but we will destroy ourselves and our home. We can stop deforestation. Starting with ourselves, and there are only a few little actions, but if everyone does it every day, it will make a change in the world.