How a Front Line Worker Views the Pandemic (Interview)


By Haihan Tai 

In this pandemic, we have gone through lots of things. The infections, which began in Wuhan, soon spread to the rest of the world. Schools closed; students had online learning at home.  While many infected patients died, doctors died too. We all owe a great deal of thanks to the doctors working hard in hospitals.  Today we are going to interview a doctor from Guangzhou about his view on the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Q1: Besides being sick or dying, what do you think has been the biggest effect  on people during this pandemic? 

Doctor: “Because most of the effects is people can’t work, lots of people have to stay home and do nothing” 

Q2: Did this pandemic causes everything? 

Doctor: “Yes.” 

Q3: How do you think why this pandemic can spread so fast? 

 Doctor: “It is because people who have covid traveling around, without the covid test, they don’t even know they have covid.  

Q4: Is lock down cities and even countries are a smart choice? 

Doctor: “Yes, it is, people who have covid can’t travel very far and spread the covid.” 

Q5: Is it the covid – 19 vaccines can make sure people won’t got infected by covid again? 

Doctor: “Yes, it has 98% can let you without infected by covid.” 

Q6: Is covid – 19 vaccines have any residual, or after-effects? 

Doctor: “It is not sure yet, but maybe.”  

Q7: Any residual when people got cured? 

Doctor: “Still, it is not sure yet.” 

Q8: What do you think about when this pandemic is going to end? 

Doctor: “When all the people take the vaccines, no one is spreading the virus, then it is end.” 

Q9: What are some important reasons caused this pandemic? 

Doctor: “People don’t care about the virus, spreading it so quick. And have body contact or other contacts with each other.  

Q10: Do you think anything similar to this pandemic will be happen again? 

Doctor: “If still don’t check and ready for something like this again, yes, it will happen again.” 


This is the end of this article, hope this pandemic will be end as some as possible. See you next time!