Posted – Book Reccomendation

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By: Howie Chan

Five stars

“In middle school, words aren’t just words. They can be weapons. They can be gifts…”

When a teacher finds a crude and inappropriate text message sent by a student, cell phones are banned at Branton Middle School. To cope with this drastic change (for most of the student population), kids undertake a new way (or an old way, depending to how you look at it) of communication: sticky notes. Originally started by Frost, the main character, and his friends, this new format quickly spreads throughout the entire school.

Not all of the messages are positive and nice, of course. The words written upon the stickies soon ignite violent fights in halls and kids crying in bathrooms. In the book, the characters refer to this as the Post-It Note war. Meanwhile, a new girl named Rose tries to join Frost’s group, sparking a change of friendships and loyalty in their once perfect “tribe”, the term used to describe group of friends.

Everything that kids will encounter throughout middle school is perfectly fitted into Posted, with hardships, joy, successes, dangers, and change recognized in the book. Frost and his friends learn to tolerate some things in life and just live with it.

Moreover, characters in the book are a clear representation of the different archetypes one might encounter in society; each person’s reaction to a situation is different, and the decisions that each of the characters make are impactful to the plot.

Posted has all the tense junctures where you are unsure what will happen next, average events that are oh-so relatable, and joyful moments that remind you to never take friends for granted.