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Chocolate Chip Cookies

By: Brian Sun

| ˈCHäk(ə)lət | CHip ˈko͝okē

Note: the ingredients in the following list are put in the order of which you need to use them in the instructions.



–     1/2 cup butter, melted (preferably half melted)

–     1/2 cup brown sugar

–     1/2 cup white sugar

–     2 eggs

–     1/2 tsp salt

–     1/2 tsp baking soda/powder

–     3 ½ cups of flour

–     1 cup of chocolate chips

–     baking sheets (so the cookies don’t stick to the pan)




  • Bowl (1)
  • Cup (2)
  • Tsp (1)
  • Batter (1)




(preheat the oven to 180ºC and take out the baking tray)


  1. Pour the half-melted butter into the bowl, and mash it with the batter, until it’s liquid.
  2. Have 1/2 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of brown sugar at the ready and pour both into the bowl.
  3. Crack 1 of the eggs and let the yolk and egg white drop into the mix. Stir until it is blended evenly, then add the other egg, and keep stirring.
  4. Once it is all blended in, add the ½ tsp of salt and the ½ tsp of baking soda/powder and stir once more, until it is evenly blended.
  5. Now pour the 3 ½ cups of flower into the mixture, and mix until the flour isn’t recognizable as powder, and has a more solid shape. This step converts your mixture into edible cookie dough.
  6. Now with one of the cups, mash the chocolate chips with the batter, and add it into the cookie dough. The chocolate is optional, and you can add other condiments*, such as nuts, and berries if you want your cookie to have a smidge more flavor.
  7. Plaster the baking sheets onto the tray. You may need to hold it down with some tape for the next step.
  8. Using the batter, add the cookie dough onto the tray, in any which size you prefer, and send the cookies into the oven.
  9. Set a timer for 10 minutes, but if you feel your batch is ready before then, then you can take it out either way.



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